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At the beginning of this year, the total value of China's foreign trade exports was in a stable trend

  According to data released by the General Administration of Customs on the 7th, the total value of China's foreign trade import and export in the first two months of 2022 was 6.2 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 13.3%, once again maintaining a stable trend on the basis of stable competition。Entrance and exit 3.47 trillion, an increase of 13.6%;进口2.73 trillion yuan, an increase of 12.9%;The surplus was 738.8 billion yuan, an increase of 16.3%。

  According to customs statistics, in the first two months of 2022, the total value of China's foreign trade imports and exports was 2.02 trillion, an increase of 9.9%, accounting for 58% of the total import and export value.3%。Among them, exports of electronic components and automobiles increased by 24 percent and 99 percent respectively.1%。At the import level, mechanical and electrical engineering agricultural products are imported 1.11万亿,2254.400 million yuan, an increase of 6.7%和7.7%。

  Two months ago, our countryForeign trade exportStructure continued to improve, general trade import and export 3.94 trillion yuan, an increase of 16 percent year-on-year.3%。Foreign trade import and export of private enterprises 2.99 trillion yuan, an increase of 16 percent year-on-year.1%, an increase of 1.1 point to 48.2%, has become the main energy of China's foreign trade export growth。

  Two months ago, China's foreign trade imports and exports to the European Union, ASEAN, the United States and other key trading countries increased。Among them, China, the European Union, ASEAN and the United States each imported and exported 8,746.400 million yuan, 8,704.$700 million and 7,859.200 million yuan, an increase of 12.4%、10.5%和9.7%。During the same period, the total amount of foreign trade imports and exports between China and countries along the "Belt and Road" was 1.92 trillion, an increase of 18.3%。

At the beginning of this year, the total value of China's foreign trade exports was in a stable trend

  At the import level, in the first two months, the import volume of iron ore in China is basically the same, the price is reduced, the import volume of oil, coal and natural gas is reduced, and the wholesale import volume of soybeans and refined oil is increased。Compared with the same period, imported iron ore exceeded 1.81亿吨。The average import price is 66 per tonne.9 yuan, a 36% decrease;Imported oil 8513.80,000 tons, down 4.The average import price was 3,792 per tonne.One dollar, an increase of 47.1%;煤炭3539.10,000 tons, down 14%。In the same period, imported electrical products 1.11 trillion, an increase of 6.7%。Among them, 919 electronic devices.500 million yuan, down 4.6%;Vehicle (including car chassis) 15.30,000 units, down 4.8%。

  Li Kuiwen, spokesman of the General Administration of Customs and director of the Department of Statistical Analysis, said that the environmental factors facing the future development of foreign trade exports are more complex and uncertain。As everyone knows, in the past two months, China's foreign trade exports and imports have maintained long-term growth over the same period, gradually still stable。The fundamental reason for this is that China's economic development is malleable, the long-term improvement of the stock fundamentals has not changed, and the various policies for steady growth are at the front end。

  According to the 2022 government report, expand the level of opening-up and promote the steady development trend of export trade and foreign-invested enterprises。We will flexibly utilize two sales markets and two resources, constantly expand foreign economic and trade cooperation, promote deep reform and innovation with high-quality opening up, and promote high-quality development。Li Kuiwen said that in the first two months, the total amount of foreign trade imports and exports between China and RCEP trading countries was 1.85 trillion yuan, an increase of 9.5%。With the gradual release of the benefits of the RCEP management system, the foreign economic and trade development trend of RCEP members will be further demonstrated。

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